Hi all,i am selling my Dk who has 13 days and 15 hours play time it is more Pve char but has some decent pvp items(full relentness)also has a pve items but not that much something like a 5100+ gs,pvp 6000+ and pve dd 6000+,i put the lowest price possible 990 bonusses nick:Hadrienn
Ilevel 261
ILevel 261
Very good items that char has:
Bryntroll, the Bone Arbiter HC / (Бринтролль, Костяной Судья) Героическии
Deathbringer's Will HC / (Воля Смертоносного) Героическии
Sharpened Twilight Scale HC / (Заостренная сумеречная чешуя) Героическии