1. НИП: https://ru.wowhead.com/npc=21027
Целительница земли Вильда кричит: I sense the tortured spirits, Премудрый. They are this way, come quickly!
Целительница земли Вильда кричит: Grant me protection Премудрый, I must break trough their foul magic!
Целительница земли Вильда кричит: Now we must find the exit.
Целительница земли Вильда кричит: Lady Vashj must answer for these atrocities. She must be brought to justice!
Целительница земли Вильда кричит: The tumultuous nature of the great waterways of Azeroth and Draenor are a direct result of tormented water spirits.
Целительница земли Вильда кричит: It shouldn't be much further, Премудрый. The exit is just up ahead.
Целительница земли Вильда кричит: Thank you, Премудрый. Please return to my brethren at the Altar of Damnation, near the Hand of Gul'dan, and tell them that Wilda is safe. May the Earthmother watch over you...
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4. BFA/x11