Hello, I hope it´s okay to write in english here, google translate doesnt provide good enough translation and the english forum seems to not get much attention.
I have a suggestion for handling wintraders, because right now the punishment is way too soft in my opinion. So, it seems like you are checking the logs, or whatever you do to find out who does suspicious stuff,
for wintraders at the season end only and then you are banning them for 60 days only. But at season end they already farmed every item they would want to get and then just wait 60 days to play with a full geared
character, which they didn´t really earn to play with at all. You could even see it as a lose in money income, because those guys would have to pay for the gear probably, when they wouldn´t just wintrade for it. So
my suggestion would be to either permanently ban those accounts, or atleast reset their characters, because else, they would just wintrade on other accounts, while they are waiting for the 60 day ban to fade...
So I really dont think a 60 day ban would make anyone stop wintrading, when they keep all achievements.
Also, seeing a ladder full of wintraders for the whole season ( i am guessing there are 7 wintrader teams in top 20 wotlk 3s ladder right now) is kinda disgusting and makes it look like on circle is fool freedom, which
puts any community in a bad spot in my opinion. My suggestion is to check logs like every month, or maybe at half of a season, but just not only when a season ends.