2)нету фраз, 2 дебафа(или более) не весит параллельно и не засчитывает всем у кого кв, а только 1, нужно наносить урон чтобы дебаф повесился оружием.
3)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPYjHVA36fo&t=176s - подтверждение
https://wow.gamepedia.com/A_Feast_of_Souls - источник
After completing the initial quests you will always debuff every mob you hit in the instance with Shadow's Fate - Spell - World of Warcraft which upon death will grant you one Soul. It's entirely possible for a warrior or ret paladin who's tanking a 10 man to just Demo Shout/Holy Wrath on the pull the debuff the whole pack and then swap to a sword and shield. Even abilities that do no damage will trigger the debuff so even Taunt, Chains of Ice, Desecration, Death Grip, etc will debuff the mobs.